Sabado, Setyembre 10, 2011

"Uses of Coral reefs and Mangroves and their Importance"

Another blog that I have to do. I choose Importance of coral reefs and mangroves.
Before we discuss about the importance of coral reefs and mangroves we have to know first about what is coral reefs and mangroves?
Coral reefs are underwater structures made from calcium carbonate secreted by corals. A calcium carbonate is common substance found in rocks in all parts of the world and the main components of these are shells of marine organism, snails, pearls, and eggshells. 

Coral reefs also a class of Anthozoa comes from the greek words (anthos) meaning “flower” and (zoa) meaning “animals” reference to the floral appearance of perennial polyp stage of phylum Cnidarai includes jellyfish, anemones, corals and hydroids with only ywo cell layers the “outer skin or ectoderm” and “inner lining to the gut”. That contains sea anemones and corals, and phylum Cnidarai is a species of animals found exclusively in aquatic, mostly in marine environments. It is the most diverse and beautiful of all marine habitats.

Now let’s move on to the most important topic, “The Importance of Coral reefs”.When we talk of coral reefs, it is one of the most important valuable marine habitats all over the world and among the oldest ecosystem on earth. It contains the largest variety of species of marine life; it can produce more living biomass than any other marine ecosystem. Coral reefs can be a shelter of sea creatures, source of food and a breeding site as well. It can also support the human needs like fisheries, shoreline protection, tourism, yield compounds that will help us to develop new medicines. 

Coral reefs have been useful to human like treatment of cancer, HIV, cardiovascular diseases, ulcer, and soon and so forth, but other people abuse it like people that have been using dynamite, chemicals from factory that can cause poisons to all living creatures in the sea. It can also form natural barriers that will protect nearby shorelines from the eroding forces of the sea, protecting coastal dwelling, agricultural land and beaches. I can also say that coral reefs is a part of our life because without coral reefs there will be no sea creatures like fishes, corals and so on, and there will be no life under the sea and food to eat.
Base on my research, coral reefs is very expensive because now a day’s coral reefs is now endangers, it might loss someday if other people still abusing the sea and it will affect our environment that will also affect us. So that’s why coral reefs are very important in our life.
                  Let’s move on to another topic and it’s all about mangroves.
                  What is a mangrove?

Mangroves are the various kinds of trees that grow in tropical intertidal zones, mainly between latitudes 25 degree N and 25 degree S. These areas are tough places for plants to grow. During low tides the intertidal zones are exposed to air and during high tides they’re covered by salt water. They flood frequently and the soil is poor, but mangrove trees still survive even thrive in these harsh conditions. A big groups of mangroves and other plants that live here are called mangrove swamps, mangrove forests, and sometimes simply mang

Did you know that Mangroves live in more than two-thirds of the saltwater coast areas of tropical and subtropical Africa, Asia, Australia, and North and South America? Yes they do live in these places. Mangroves found only in thin fringe right along the coast. All together, mangal covers 172,000 km2. That’s an area slightly larger than the state of Florida, USA.
Not all plants can make it in the mangal. Only about one hundred plant species are found in the most mangrove swamps. Some swamps are home tp only one two species. Like ferns that lives in mangrove swamps, as well as some kinds of pine and palm trees.
What is the use of mangroves?
Many people or millions of people is developing parts of the world where mangroves flourish rely on the mangal for a huge portion of thier daily needs, they use the mangrove wood for fuel and to build boats and funitures. They also use leaves for tea and feeding animals and fruit for food.

And now the last part is the importance of mangroves.
There are four important types of mangroves and these are:
*      >Shorelines
*      >Nursery
*      >Threatened and Endangered Species
*      Renewable Resource
Try to know about this four importants
Shorelines- mangroves protect shorelines from damaging storm and hurricane winds, waves and floods. It also help to prevent erosion by stabilizing sediments with their tangled root systems they maintain water quality and clarity, filtering pollutants....etc.
Next is nusery- mangroves serve as a valuable nursery areas for shrimp, crustaceans, fishes and so on.
Followed by threatened and endangered species- mangroves support threatened and endangered species like  american alligator(mississippinensis), green sea turtle(chelonia mydas) nad for the endangered species this includes american crocodile, hawksbill sea turtle, brown pelican.....etc.
And the last one is Renewable resouce- mangroves are utilized many parts of the world as a renewables resouce, mangroves have been used in building houses, boats, pilings, and furnitures and the wood of the black mangrove and bottonwood trees has also utilized.
In this are may blog that tells about the importance of Coral reefs and Mangroves.
The end......